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What is Myo-Fascia?

“Myo” means muscle. “Fascia” refers to the connective tissue that covers & supports the muscles, organs, bones & other tissue throughout your entire body. During myofascial release therapy I don't focus specifically on your muscles. I will instead focus on releasing tension in your fascial tissues.

Why are the symptoms painful?

When the fascia tissues are not moving correctly or become chronically shortened, decreased circulation to the tissue occurs & nerves can become entrapped. This can then result in numbness, pins & needles & even more severe pain. If not treated this can lead to chronic problems. Issues that I have worked on using Myofascial Release are Fibromyalgia, Bursitis, Inflammation problems & even Osteoarthritis

What is Myo-Fascial Release?

Myofascial release therapy is a type of gentle, constant massage that releases tightness & pain throughout your myofascial tissues. First, we will locate trigger points, or knots, in your fascial tissues. Then I gently apply pressure until the tension releases.

I use both IASTM (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation) as well as manual mobilisation.

As always when I do the initial assessment I will discuss with you what the most appropriate course of treatment is and build a plan of action accordingly.


To book an appointment please call or text 07912 754088 or you can book via our booking page

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