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Muscle scraping or IASTM (Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation) is a form of Gua-sha, a healing technique used in traditional East Asian medicine to relieve muscle pain and tension.


Muscle scraping is a manual therapy technique that helps to accelerate the healing of injured soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, & fascia. It also helps Increase circulation, breaks up scar tissue, helps reduce pain, helps reduce inflammation & improve performance.


Therapists use a variety of smooth-edged tools or ‘scrapers’ that are designed to work on different parts of the body.

The tool is gently dragged over areas of soft tissue to help break up adhesions & scar tissue that have formed as a result of trauma or injuries to the muscles or connective tissues. Pressure can be increased or decreased depending on the individual & injury.


Muscle scraping may be used to help treat any number of soft tissue injuries, including ankle sprains or other ligament sprains, pulled muscles, plantar fasciitis, (ITB) iliotibial band syndrome, Achilles tendinitis & back spasms or other soft tissue injuries in the back.


As always when we do the initial assessment, we will discuss with you what the most appropriate course of treatment is and build a plan of action accordingly.


To book an appointment please call or text 07912 754088 or you can book via our booking page

Muscle Scraping (IASTM)
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